Sunday, December 31

Happy New Year/Birthday, Willie

I'm not very good at updating. Not a whole lot has happened.... I turned 22 a couple weeks ago. James Epp came and spent the weekend with me, took me snowboarding at Lake Louise for my birthday. Tons of fun! We watched a bunch of scary movies. Plus he got me the Christmas tree :) Then there was Christmas... I went to Calgary on Christmas Eve, and came back Boxing Day night. Karen and I went Boxing Day shopping downtown. It wasn't as busy as I expected, and there were some pretty good sales! Other than that... not a whole lot going on. Working, eating, sleeping. Whoot. It's New Years Eve (Happy Birthday, Willie!!) and I'm sitting home alone. Joy and Sherri are working, and well, I refuse to call the Canmore guys. Things are kind of weird there right now. Anyway. I can't wait to go home.

Happy New Year!

Ivette and I!

Another classic Jody shot

Saturday, December 23

O Christmas Tree

Thanks to James Epp, we have a beautiful Christmas tree!