update at last!!
Alright. I'm REALLY bad at updating. Pretty much, I don't have that much to tell. Banff... well.. I'm not the biggest fan, this year. For many reasons, but mostly just one, which if you've talked to me at all this year, I'm sure you are aware of. Anyway. Lets see.. Um.. I went home, for my mom's 50th birthday party. That was so much fun! First time Jonah, Sam and I have been together in a number of years. I hadn't even seen Jonah in two. We had a big surprise party, and despite their being a storm that caused a couple people to go off the road, it turned out quite well. I was only home fora few days, but it was great.
James Epp came out for another weekend of scary movies. Well, he mostly slept through them. The original Wicker Man is a must though, it's... very bizarre. Hm.. Matt Andersen came to Banff! James, Jody, Dave, Joy and I went to see he and Charlie A'Court. Matt is friggin amazing, I can't get over it. He rocks. Gives me good bumps. Oh, I got drugged at this pub at a going away party for our friend, with that stupid date rape drug. I drank like an inch of my drink, felt sick, got up to go, and passed out while hugging Matt goodbye. Lucky me, so I didn't pass out on the floor or outside. They called the ambulance. It was really weird. I woke up on the floor and didn't know what was going on. Off to the hospital which cost me $345 for the ride, and they did nothing. Retards.
I'm going home in April, I think. Our lease runs up March 31st, then I'm going to go to Calgary for a week or two, then home. Jody says he's going to come visit for a week or so this summer, and we're going to take a road trip. I'm pretty excited about that. Also, I am thinking about going to school in Fton in the fall. Maybe. We'll see. In the mean time, here are some pictures from home, as well as a couple from Johnston Canyan.
James Epp came out for another weekend of scary movies. Well, he mostly slept through them. The original Wicker Man is a must though, it's... very bizarre. Hm.. Matt Andersen came to Banff! James, Jody, Dave, Joy and I went to see he and Charlie A'Court. Matt is friggin amazing, I can't get over it. He rocks. Gives me good bumps. Oh, I got drugged at this pub at a going away party for our friend, with that stupid date rape drug. I drank like an inch of my drink, felt sick, got up to go, and passed out while hugging Matt goodbye. Lucky me, so I didn't pass out on the floor or outside. They called the ambulance. It was really weird. I woke up on the floor and didn't know what was going on. Off to the hospital which cost me $345 for the ride, and they did nothing. Retards.
I'm going home in April, I think. Our lease runs up March 31st, then I'm going to go to Calgary for a week or two, then home. Jody says he's going to come visit for a week or so this summer, and we're going to take a road trip. I'm pretty excited about that. Also, I am thinking about going to school in Fton in the fall. Maybe. We'll see. In the mean time, here are some pictures from home, as well as a couple from Johnston Canyan.
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