Thursday, October 26

Claudia was here Tuesday!!!

And then there's James.

Sunday, October 22

sleep deprivation

I'm being sucked back in to James' sleep habits. Thursday Reid was in town to visit, stayed the night with us. He and I made fajitas for supper, well, mostly I did. With his broken hand and all, he can't cut ot stir. He tried to stir the veggies and flung them all over the stove. Then he, Sherri and I spent an interesting evening at home. They got drunk and did a somewhat dirty dancing show in the kitchen. It was.... interesting, to say the least. Then they tried to invite our neighbor, Bob, over. He stood in the doorway a bit, but I think he was a little creeped out. Reid, Sherri and Joy ended up going to the Hoodoo, and then James come over and we went for a long walk. Reid came back not long after we did, and we stayed up until 4 just hanging out. Reid fell asleep and said something to James in his sleep 'Your mom has ants? Awesome, I'm in'... lol. Good times.

Then Friday, after working with a couple hours sleep, James and I went to Calgary to see a movie. But we left too late and got there just after it started, and it was sold out. We ended up just driving around, with James working out his anger driving. We went back to Canmore, and stayed up til 3:30 with his mom, and then watched a movie til 6. His grandparents were there visiting, and kept coming down to the bathroom, and giving us funny looks cos we were are still up. We fell asleep at 6 something, and I slept on the couch til like 2:30 in the afternoon, until James eventually got up. Sooooo tired. He brought me home, but ended up waiting for me to shower and then we went back to Calgary. Met up with Eric, and went to see the Prestige, the movie we tried to see the night before. It wasn't as good as I'd hoped. Ah well. Finally got home at 2ish, sleep... sweet wonderful sleep.

Calvin was maybe coming to visit today. Said he'd email me before he left Edmonton, to let me know if he's coming or not. I highly doubt he will, but you never know. It's actually a pretty inconvienent time, I'm sick, and I'm going to Calgary tomorrow night to see Claudia, and staying til Tuesday night prolly. I can't wait to see her!! I'm so excited :)

Alrighty I'm done for now. I gotta go clean the bathroom or something.

Thursday, October 12


Alright alright alright, it's been too long. We just got the internet last night, after 3 calls to Telus, because they're retarded. Nothing I did at all, of course :) Actually no, they didn't set it up properly for me, and had to change some stuff before I could get connected. And of course they didn't know Macs, so it was fun trying to figure out what changes I had to make. ANYWAY. I also just got the wireless working. Before it was just my computer online, but Sherri couldn't even figure out how to get on the internet via Safari. Ah well. Now she's stuck with the cable and staying in the corner with the cushionless futon. Ha.

So we're here in Banff, we've got an awesome little place, stressing the 'little', and we're both employed. Tomorrow will be the last day of week two for me at Bow Valley Basics, and office supply store, which Joy also works at, as the Desktop Publisher. But shh, that's a secret until tomorrow. It's a good job, lots of fun. Plus the hours are only 8:30-7, so I'll never work evenings, and only the odd Saturday. They're of course closed on Sundays.

Not a whole lot else to tell... Claudia is coming through Calgary on her way back to Honduras in a couple weeks, I've taken a day off to go visit with her. I can't wait to see her!! Hmm what else.. James, Jody and Eric took me disk golfing. Lots of fun, but I'm not so good at that. Maybe I'll put up some pictures from that too... maybe. Anyway, that's all I have to say. Enjoy the pictures.

Disk golf: