Sunday, November 27

Hiking up like a skirt on steroids

So.. long time no... write :|
We had another 'date night' last night. Rachael and Melissa have decided that every Saturday is our date night. That's when they force me to get dressed up, possibly go somewhere to eat or get coffee, and come home and play poker. Yep, I get dressed up for poker. They won't even let me put pajama pants on... for frigs sakes, they won't see my legs under the table!! :( Anyways, last night we went to Starbucks, got coffee, and brought it home. Yep, we had to get dressed up for that... like anyone saw through our coats.
We played poker for 6 hours!! Melissa was gone in under two, and at that time Rachael had me down to prolly 10 or 15 chips. But, over the following 4 hours I won it all back and remain the unbeaten house champion, as I like to call myself :P Hehe. Tho.. Rachael got a heck of a lot better last night, and I'm sure both she and Melissa can beat me. Sadly, I have an awesome poker face, and they have none whatsoever. But that's ok, I don't mind ;) My poker face only works playing cards... otherwise.. I'm a lost cause, haha. Anyways.. um... (that 'anyways' was just for you Jess ;) ) I think that's all I have to say. I'll put pics up later when I'm not so lazy. So... a chow chow.

Tuesday, November 15


So, we're in Calgary. Last night we came in at about 6, went to this Chinese buffet with Reid, then dropped him at a c train and came back to the hotel. Joy and Maggie decided that they wanted to go to a club dancing, so even tho it was only 10 pm, we went off looking for one. We basically just drove around the entire city, north, south, east, and west, and ... nothing was open. We even got out to go to one, and we ran in the freezing cold, with no coats on, across a funeral home parking lot, and it was closed. GAH. Annoyed. I was tired and didn't really want to go in the first place so... bah. Anyway, it's 10:30 am and we're still at the hotel ... Joy's plane was delayed from 6am until 3pm. What the heck. We were staying here to shop anyways tho, so that's no big deal. Only, we're still in the hotel. Geez.

Thursday, November 10


So... the Edmonton trip. It was... interesting. Edmonton is about 4 hours away, as the car drives. We stayed the night in a hotel, dirt cheap with our discount :) We ran around the hotel taking pictures and fun things like that. Of couse we completely picked about the room, comparing it to our hotel, haha. That was interesting. Their beds were awful. So small. haha.. anyways. We spend most of Tuesday in the West Edmonton Mall. As you can see from the pictures, we got on lots of animals, went to the casino, went on the carousel. AND... went on the devil roller coaster. Not sure I want to ever do that again :| I didn't exactly enjoy it :| It was less than a minute, at 100 km :| It was all loops and straight ups and right back downs. It was inside, in not a really large room, mostly high. It was insane. I just shut my eyes and prayed it would be over soon :S It was soooo awful. It just jerked you around the whole time... I felt like I was being in a car wreck.. thrashed around. I punched myself in the face, and my jaw hurts :( And my shoulder hurts :( And my neck killed. The day after, was even worse!! I could hardly move my head. I didn't even go to work. Crappy crap. Thanks for making me go, Joy. I'm not sure I would ever do it again :| But other than that horrible experience, it was good. I bought my smalled shoe size to date, 5.5... and I should have gotten 5. :| gasp. I have small feet.
On that note... I bought the whole X-Files serious! YAY!! All the way from China. I can't wait to watch them :) It'll prolly take me all winter... 201 episodes. Haha :D
Hannah out!!

Wednesday, November 9

Riding Black Beauty :) Posted by Picasa

The three of us infront of the Carousel Posted by Picasa

Me, at the Casino. I won!!! A whole $1.25 Posted by Picasa

Joy, myself, and Rachael, infront of the Casino in the West Edmonton Mall. We kind of cut the sign out :P Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 7

And these are the Salomon boots I got off eBay for $45 US! Brand new, normally $220 US :D Posted by Picasa

This is the snowboard I bought. Isn't it awesome? And the bindings are like brand new Salomons. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 6

Crossbow, anyone??

Ahh I just had the best laugh in a long time :) I was talking to my brother, Sam, and he was telling me about this email he got today. It was from Oliver, one of his best friends, who we've known forever. Did the whole preschool thing, Sam and I and Oli and his brother, and a couple of other brothers. Anyways, Oli just moved to Calgary after I got out here. He emailed Sam to ask him to mail his bike out to him in a box, and then he was like...p.s... stick in my snowboard and my crossbow too. Sam was like, 'who does this guy think he is, Triple X???' Hahahaha... you'd prolly have to know Oliver, but ah man it was funny :) And of course, it begs the question... not only why does he have a crossbow... but what does he plan on doing with it in Calgary? Coyote hunting?? Maybe to go after the next guy to steal his bike?? Who knows :)

Friday, November 4

ho hum

Well the novelty of this is wearing off, I forsee myself getting really lazy about posting in the future :) Oh wait, that's already happening.. haha. Well, prolly cos nothing fun has been happening here lately. Well no, I shouldn't say nothing fun... just nothing interesting enuf to write about. Except Halloween... but again, that's where the laziness comes in.
Halloween was great tho. Melissa went as a lumberjack, but only went to a few houses with us. Then Salt and Pepper headed out on their own :) We went about two hours, and once our pillowcases weighed about 10 lbs and I couldn't stop complaining about having to carry it(also having socks on your hands doesn't exactly help the gripping situation), we decided to go back. We had more than enuf candy to last us... months :) Depending on how fast we eat it, of course. Anywho.. everyone told us we looked really cute :)

So, onto another topic, we have this one male housekeeper, Russell, working at the hotel with us. I was warned right off not to be too nice to him, or he'll think you like him and start 'stalking' you. So, I've been good and mean, but yesterday I apparently smiled at him when he said something funny, and today I told him he could help me with my rooms, since he didn't have any gone yet, so apparently that means I like him. Actually he annoys the heck out of me and I can't stand him. Gah. He's so annoying. But anyways, he told Dana that he was going to ask me out... GAH. I spend the rest of the afternoon trying to figure out the nice why of saying 'NEVER'. Haha.... BUT then I was extra ignoring him at lunch (I never look at him when he talks to me, haha and I'm all about the one word answers. Actually I was starting to feel pretty bad about being mean, but look what happens when I stop :| ), and he decided he didn't want to get rejected, so he was going to ask Melissa to dinner instead. HAHAHAHA good luck Melissa :P All I can say, is I'm glad I'm off the hook. I was going to have to make up some story :P I'm sure Lucas wouldn't mind being the pretend boyfriend again :P haha, just like I was going to do with the subway stalker, if it came to that :)
Anyways, I'm off to... do something... else....
Hannah out.

Tuesday, November 1

Salt and Pepper hit the town!!

Rachael and I went trick-or-treating.....yes, as salt and pepper shakers :)
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Rachael and I trading candy like litte kids :P Posted by Picasa

Pepper in the snow!!

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