Hiking up like a skirt on steroids
We had another 'date night' last night. Rachael and Melissa have decided that every Saturday is our date night. That's when they force me to get dressed up, possibly go somewhere to eat or get coffee, and come home and play poker. Yep, I get dressed up for poker. They won't even let me put pajama pants on... for frigs sakes, they won't see my legs under the table!! :( Anyways, last night we went to Starbucks, got coffee, and brought it home. Yep, we had to get dressed up for that... like anyone saw through our coats.
We played poker for 6 hours!! Melissa was gone in under two, and at that time Rachael had me down to prolly 10 or 15 chips. But, over the following 4 hours I won it all back and remain the unbeaten house champion, as I like to call myself :P Hehe. Tho.. Rachael got a heck of a lot better last night, and I'm sure both she and Melissa can beat me. Sadly, I have an awesome poker face, and they have none whatsoever. But that's ok, I don't mind ;) My poker face only works playing cards... otherwise.. I'm a lost cause, haha. Anyways.. um... (that 'anyways' was just for you Jess ;) ) I think that's all I have to say. I'll put pics up later when I'm not so lazy. So... a chow chow.