Saturday, April 8


We're off!! Actually, we've been gone a week now. I don't feel like putting up a bunch of pictures right now, but here's us off to the sunny coast!! It's early. Not really, haha, it's like... well I guess it's about 9am then. We were planning on leaving at 6, but then before James left the night before, we decided on 8, and we ended up leaving Calgary at 11 am. Honestly.

Anyway, off we went. James and I drove thru the day, and Melissa and Rachael thru the night. I drove thru a snowstorm in Montana, that was fun. There were times when I couldn't even see the road more than like a foot in front of me!! We hit Vegas at about 7am, which was too bad, cos we wanted to hit it in the dark. And we would have, if it hadn't talken us so long to leave, and then had the snowstorm slowing us down. All well, we drove down the strip anyway.

We got to LA at about noon. We met Daniel, James' friend, at Denny's for dinner. Lunch for all you weird people (James). In the days between then and now we've camped for a couple days, went to the Hollywood sign, drove thru Hollywood Hills, Bel Air, Beverly Hills. We went to the Grove, Santa Monica, 3rd Street, went to a movie at Arclight Theatre, went to Venice Beach, ah... I can't really remember that well right now. Oh, last night we went to see Michael Landau, who is apparently one of the greatest guitar playes of all time? It was in this tiny little room in the back of a music store in Orange, which is basically Anahiem. Anywho. Today we're doing laundry, piercing, and... who knows. Oh, Daniel and James are playing together tonight, so that should be pretty sweet. Ok, cheers!


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