Thursday, March 23

White Swan Hot Springs

We went to White Swan Provintial Park in BC on Tuesday night, a 3 hour drive, to their natural hot springs. It was great. We took two full vehicles. We all went in Dave Brayer's truck, and Rach and I snuggled in the back with James, haha. He "kept us warm". Tee hee. The hot springs were, well... hot. Too hot for my liking. It was hard to be comfortable. If I was fully in the water, I could only last a couple minutes before I had to get out. Then I was cold. I couldn't find the happy medium of partially in, partially out. So I got in and out every couple of minutes. What a hassle. Plus it reeked of sulphur, just like rotten eggs. But you got used to it pretty quick. We must have sat there for a couple hours. I got pretty ancy. Rach and I layed down in the river too, which was pretty friggin cold, only we were super hot so it wasn't too bad. Good times. Despite what it prolly sounds like, I did actually have fun!! Posted by Picasa


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