Sunday, February 26

And time marches on

Aloha. It's been a couple weeks, I guess. It's been insanely busy. Work has been busier the last two weeks than it was at Christmas. We've been working 6 days a week, and three days last week we had to stay past our 8 hours. It's so crazy and everyone is exhausted. Stupid Family Day weekend. At least it was a stat tho, and we got paid double time and a half. So something over 25 dollars an hour. :) It's also been busy doing stuff. Monday we had a desert pot luck, it was great! I made Mexican Wedding Cakes for the first time, everyone loved them :) They were great. We had over 20 people here, there was no where to sit, haha, so the 4 of us and Dave, Dave and Jody just hung out in the kitchen and everyone else socialized in the living room. Kind of funny, all those people there and we just hang out with our reg. group. Tuesday and Wed. was more hanging out with Dave, then Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, was James. That was kind of funny. James is a friend of Dave, Dave, and Jody, but we've never really hung out with him more than once or twice, and certainly not without the other guys. But, he went snowboarding on Wed. with Rach, and then he came in after they got back, and just stayed. Until 12:30 am, haha. It was really fun tho. We went to BP's for supper, (see picture) and then we watched Dumb and Dumber. Can you believe that's the first time I've seen it?

Friday he called came over at like 11pm, with us all having to work the next day, and we watched Domino. Good movie. James doesn't have a job, so he can stay up all night and not worry about it. All he does is going to Calgary and play gigs. He's a guitarist. Went to school in LA and everything.. lol. Anywho. He and Jody came over last night and we watched The Island. Excellent movie, I definitely recommend it. Very cool. Crap I forgot my food in the oven. Luckily it's not burnt. Phew. So anyway, the 4 of us keep joking about these guys we keep picking up. But, what guy wouldn'y want to come to our house? You're guaranteed the attention of 4 girls. Automatically. So, no wonder they like coming over here, hehe.

Speak of the devil, James just called. I'm here alone, but he's coming over anyway. haha


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