Tuesday, July 11

This is your life, and it's ending one moment at a time.

Ok I'm really slacking off. But as I'm sure I've said before, there's not really anything worth telling, since I've been home. Not much, at least. I work. That's about it. Work is... ok. I'm getting a little fed up with the bugs. They're not very nice this summer. I'm tired of getting bitten.
On a good note, I finally got to the waterfall! Rachael and I have been talking about going to it for over 2 years now, and I finally made it. We actually looked for it back in April, but couldn't find it. Sam since flagged it. Anywho... a few of us drove up in Olivers' truck, and went down. Talk about steep. And I thought getting the the drinking waterfall was hard. Geez. I must admit, I was disappointed. It was just a little trickle. I knew there wasn't much water, but Rach and I hoped to rapel it. Nope. Too many trees... it is quite high though. Ah well.
For the last two weeks we hada guy from Katimavic staying with us. He came to work with mum and I. It was.... interesting. It's always weird having someone strange living in your space. At least, I find it to be. It was over all ok. He did have quite the annoying habit of following me everywhere, especially at work, but evetually I got used to it. Kind of like having a puppy trail after you.
Tonight, Mum, Sam, Garett and I are going to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest !!!!!!! I'm SOOOOOOOO excited! I can't wait to see it!!! Woo hoo!!

Just because I'm missing the Canmore life:


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