Friday, December 23

Happy Birthday Erika!!!!!

It's almost Christmas!!!!! It's Christmas Eve Eve, haha. I had today off, so I have 4 days off in a row over Christmas. Too bad I didn't know before hand so I could have gone home :( Oh well, we're going to have an awesome Christmas, I just haven't figured out when or how I'm going into Calgary yet. There's so much going on here that I have to work around. Frig.
Anyway, we had a Christmas dinner at the church in Banff last night. They had to drag me there, and I didn't want to leave once 11 o'clock rolled around. Haha the tables turned and it was Joy wanting me to leave, instead of the other way around ;) It was tons of fun. Although I don't think I've ever been made fun of so much all at once in my entire life. We sat with Michael and Dave. I've met Michael before, but Dave I've never seen, he's only home for the holidays from university. He's a pro downhill racer which is pretty cool. Anyway, right off Michael started making fun of my accent, so that went on for awhile, and then Dave came over, and Michael immediately was like, listen to her accent!! Dave is completely french, but is lucky enough to have no accent. But anyway, Dave started making fun of me too, so for the next 2 1/2-3 hours they made fun of my accent. Every word that I said funny they'd repeat and laugh, and then mock my when they were talking by trying to talk like I do. Dave was saying how it's hard to keep languages straight, especially the Swiss, who speak four. Then they started on about it must be hard for me to keep my languages straight, Indianian and Canadian. Do I sometimes have a hard time remembering my words??
THEN I made the mistake of telling them about our Christmas Tree Adventure. See.. we just went out in the woods and chopped a little baby down. It was in the bushes getting choked out, so it prolly would have died anyway. BUT.. it was on the town of Canmore's property, and we're not allowed to just go cutting down trees. And Michael works for the town, haha. Anyway, the next forever was the three of us arguing about why I shouldn't have cut the tree down. And being stubburn as I am... I just wouldn't give, haha. Even tho I was like, I know it was wrong and we're not allowed to cut the trees down, but who's going to notice! It's so small!!! But they were all like... defending the tree and crap, and I'm like it's not like it's going to know. Besides it's very happy to be our tree. lol It was a long argument and really no one won. Well, they would have if I'd only given up. But I didn't :) I even invited them over to see it :P Finally I was just like, I know we weren't allowed but I don't feel bad and I'd do it again in a second. At that point Michael walked away, but Dave kept on about it all night, haha, relating stuff to it cos I would get so worked up whenever he mentioned it.
Rachael and I played an exciting game of chess, hehe. She just learned this summer. Dave and Melissa were helping her, but I won anyway. Dave was putting too much thought into what my moves might be trying to do, so I think it just confused her more. I never plan out more than a move or two at a time, lol, it depends where she goes, I just wing it as I go along really. I love playing chess :)

Calvin says blogs are very self centered. Well I guess I'm a selfish person. Haha.


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